紅皇后 RQ 專欄|磁性白巫師年 ⊙ 1320共時同步鍵 ⊙ 銀河星系的鷹之月

磁 性 白 巫 師 年 ● 1 3 2 0 共時同步鍵
銀河星系的鷹之月 | 第 124 期 | 心智電子報

Welcome to Noos-letter 124
2020 Galactic Hawk Moon Edition

Welcome to the Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity, the eighth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

In this Galactic Moon we are being called upon to rise to our highest integrity.

But what is integrity and what are we seeking to integrate?

The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning whole or complete.

Integrity refers to the alignment of our words and actions with our highest truth.

According to Cosmic History, we are seeking to integrate fragmented circuits, activate dormant parts of our brain and restore creative imagination. This will allow us to express ourselves in more authentic ways and activate our inner avatar on behalf of all beings. How?

* 注釋

“Discipline is essential to change. New patterns repeated on a daily basis, over time, erase negative or unproductive thoughts. Discipline helps engrave new patterns that, if practiced regularly, become second nature.” —Accessing Your Multidimensional Self

On the third day of this Galactic Moon we have a full moon, known as the Snow Moon. This lands on the Yellow Self-Existing Human (February 9), and is the second of thirteen full moons in 2020.

The first seven full moons occurring in this White Magnetic Wizard Year (July 26, 2019 - July 24, 2020) are:
  • Kin 182 宇宙的白風1.32.7.1西曆2020年1月10日/半影月食
  • Kin 212 自我存在的黃人1.32.8.3西曆2020年2月9
  • Kin 239 超頻的藍風暴1.32.9.3西曆2020年3月9日/超級月亮
  • Kin 9 太陽的紅月1.32.10.4西曆2020年4月7日/超級月亮
  • Kin 39 宇宙的藍風暴1.32.11.6西曆2020年5月7日
  • Kin 68 電力的黃星星1.32.12.7西曆2020年6月5日/半影月食
  • Kin 98 共鳴的白鏡子1.32.13.9西曆2020年7月5日/半影月食
  • White Cosmic Wind, Kin 182. January 10, 2020. Penumbral lunar eclipse
  • Yellow Self-Existing Human, Kin 212. February 4, 2020
  • Blue Overtone Storm, Kin 239. March 9, 2020. Supermoon
  • Red Solar Moon, Kin 9. April 7, 2020. Supermoon
  • Blue Cosmic Storm, Kin 39. May 7, 2020
  • Yellow Electric Star, Kin 68. June 5, 2020. Penumbral lunar eclipse
  • White Resonant Mirror, Kin 98. July 5, 2020. Penumbral lunar eclipse

The next six full moons of 2020, occur in the Blue Lunar Storm Year (July 26, 2020 - July 24, 2021).

The totem of this Moon is the Hawk, calling on us to lift our perceptions above the Earth and elevate our mind into solar consciousness.

在脈衝星幾何學裏,調性8是第三次元心智脈衝(4, 8,12)的第二個調性。最終我們學習的是讓我們的電磁場和地球電磁場為一,由此創造出一個交互合作力場。這個力場將能建立起我們與地球核心以及心智意識場域核心,兩者之間的溝通交流。
In the pulsar geometry, the eighth tone is the second tone of the third-dimensional mind pulsar (4, 8, 12). Ultimately we want to learn how to merge our electromagnetic fields with that of the Earth, creating an interactive force field. This force field establishes communication with both the core of the Earth and the noosphere.

在這個月亮裏,我們還會遇到「閏日我們為 Hunab Ku 0.0。請見韻律紅龍 Jacob 在影片中的說明。若你感受到了這股召喚,別忘了預訂《無名狀:皈依時間的中心》!
This moon we also see a “leap day” that we refer to as 0.0. Hunab Ku. See Jacob Rhythmic Dragon’s video below. And don’t forget to order The Uninscribed, if you feel so called!


Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Welcome to the Galactic Moon! Current cycles recap:

Year (365-day cycle): White Magnetic Wizard Year

 迴旋(260天週期):從13月亮夢符碼(1987年)開始的第 45 個迴旋。
Spin (260-day cycle): 45th Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count (1987).

Season (65-day cycle): Eastern Serpent Season of Life Force: Red Galactic Spectrum

Castle (52-day cycle): Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix

Moon (28-day cycle): Galactic Hawk Moon of Integrity: Do I live what I believe?

Wavespell (13-day cycle): Red Moon Wavespell of Universal Water

Heptad Path Codes for the Resonant Moon

在一年52的旅程裏,我們會經過Hunab Ku 21銀河生命與知識之樹的52條七價路徑,而銀河星系之月啟動了這4七價路徑:
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Galactic Moon:

第29條七價路徑:Hunab Ku傳輸導航
Red Week 1 - Initiate
Heptad 29: Hunab Ku transmits Navigation
(Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Feb 7-13)

第30七價路徑:Hunab Ku傳輸靜心
DALI第8天-SILIO 第14天
White Week 2 - Refine
Heptad 30: Hunab Ku transmits Meditation
(Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Feb 14-20)

第31七價路徑:Hunab Ku傳輸自我運生
DALI第15天-SILIO 第21天
Blue Week 3 - Transform
Heptad 31: Hunab Ku transmits Self-Generation
(Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Feb 21-27)

第32七價路徑:Hunab Ku傳輸啟蒙
DALI第22天-SILIO 第28天
Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
Heptad 32: Hunab Ku transmits Enlightenment
(Dali 22 - Silio 28 / Feb 28 - Mar 6)

在Hunab Ku 21銀河系上層結構中,若將銀河星系之月的四條七價路徑視為一個整體來看,這四條路徑即是「核心母體 Hunab Ku」在時間裏的位置。Hunab Ku 意指「運和測量的唯一給予者」,也代表著銀河的中心。在銀河星系之月裏的這四條七價路徑,同樣也是13月亮曆共時力量的另外一個例證。想要學習更多內容,請參考《宇宙編年史·第五卷——時間空間之書》或點閱星際簡報
In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Galactic Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where the "Core Matrix-Hunab Ku" resides. Hunab Ku means "one giver of movement and measure" and signifies, among many other things, the core of the galaxy. These four Heptad Paths appear in the GALACTIC Moon is yet another illustration of the synchronizing power of the 13 Moon calendar... Learn more in Book of the Timespace, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V and in Intergalactic Bulletin #7.

★ 專欄作者

史蒂芬妮 ‧ 南 紅皇后
Stephanie South / Red Queen
KIN 185  電力的紅蛇

—— 瓦倫姆·沃坦 ( Valum Votan)


作為靈魂伴侶的神聖結合,使得她能接收到來自週期結束者的星際知識,因此,她能夠啟動第六太陽意識,即二次創造的新週期。透過推動基於愛、藝術和共時性的 13:20 新頻率的變革,她促進著銀河文化的傳播。


2015 年出版的新書《獵戶瞳孔》,獲得了美國 TISBA 獨立心靈圖書大獎的首獎,而這本書更是開啟《宇宙編年史》的大鑰匙。

—— 紅皇后 / RQ




● 朱衍舞 Rafeeka / KIN 15 月亮的藍鷹  Blue Lunar Eagle

●  張之愷 / KIN 113 太陽的紅天行者 Red Solar Skywalker
●  李翊珊 Sandhya/ KIN 93 月亮的紅天行者 Red Lunar Skywalker
●  廖祖芳 Latifa/ KIN 35 太陽的藍鷹 Blue Solar Eagle
●  蘭藍 Leelamanda / KIN 223 月亮的夜 Blue Lunar Night
●  禹桐 Karuna / KIN 161 超頻的龍 Red Overtone Dragon
●  陽子 Noor/ KIN 200 超頻的黃太陽 Yellow Overtone Sun
●  倍貝 Karima/ KIN 81 電力的紅龍 Red Electric Dragon
●  Neelambar /  KIN 230 太陽的白狗 White Solar Dog
●  蘇蘇 Saddha/ KIN 136 韻律的黃戰士 Yellow Rhythmic Warrior
●  彩兒KIN 172 電力的黃人Yellow Electric Human


● 斯蒂芬妮 · 南/ 紅皇后
Stephanie South/ Red Queen
KIN 185 電力的紅蛇 Red Electric Serpent

● Katarina Prokic  
KIN 79 磁性的藍風暴 Blue Magnetic Storm

● Ana Zikic  
KIN 62 行星的白風 White Planetary Wind

● Annibal Lisandro Luporini Dowgaluk  
KIN 34 銀河星系的白巫師 White Galactic Wizard

● Jacob Wyatt
KIN 201 韻律的紅龍 Red Rhythmic Dragon

文字 |  KIN 185 紅皇后 RQ
翻譯 |  KIN 6 黃珮蓁
校對 |  KIN 223  蘭藍 Leelamanda
編輯 |  KIN 35 祖芳 Latifa

亞洲時間法則 FB



Rafeeka ▎遇見 Rumi,預見蘇菲

聽好了,我是女人!I am Woman: Listen!
