紅皇后 RQ 專欄|磁性白巫師年 ⊙ 1320共時同步鍵 ⊙ 意圖的太陽豹之月

磁 性 白 巫 師 年 ● 1 3 2 0 共時同步鍵
意圖的太陽豹之月 | 第 125 期 | 心智電子報

Welcome to Noos-letter 125
2020 Solar Jaguar Moon Edition

Welcome to the Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention, the ninth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

太陽之月的第三天,西元3月9日,是滿月,也是超級月亮,這一天是 Kin 240 韻律的黃太陽。11天過後,我們將在 Kin 251 自我存在的藍猴,迎來春分(北半球)。這也是2001年9月11日世貿雙子星大樓倒塌當天的印記。
A Full Moon/Supermoon occurs on the 3rd Day of the Solar Moon (March 9) on the Yellow Rhythmic Sun, Kin 240. This is followed 11 days later by the Equinox on Blue Self-Existing Monkey, Kin 251. This is also the signature of the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9-11-2001.

2020年3月23日,太陽之月的第17天,編碼為Kin 254 共鳴的白巫師,這天是荷西·阿圭列斯/瓦倫姆·沃坦辭世九週年紀念日。隔天就是新月。
The 9-year anniversary of the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan is coded by the White Resonant Wizard, Kin 254, Solar Moon 17 (March 23, 2020). This is followed the next day by the New Moon.

White Resonant Wizard also coded the year 1999-2000, which was known as the seventh year of prophecy (1993-2000). This period defined the conscious emergence and articulation of the Law of Time. The conclusion was marked by the Rainbow Bridge experiment.

In order for the rainbow bridge to become a reality, a strong telepathic network is needed. The vision for this was laid out by Valum Votan in 2006 as a Planetary Engineering Project.

Since that time, several communities have arisen, including our Galactic Education Center in Brazil. But for it to be truly effective, the network must autonomously grow up and flower in the name of Galactic Culture and in light of planetary healing.

According to the rainbow science of the Law of Time, bonded by a prolonged and sustained planetary wide telepathic meditation, this continuous auroral rainbow could become a permanent feature of the Earth’s electromagnetic field—the circumpolar rainbow bridge.
—Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

在脈衝星幾何學裡,調性 9,以及,第9個月亮,代表著第四時間次元時間脈衝(1-5-9-13)的第三個階段。第九個階段是太陽的指令之塔,對應了全腦活化感知體中的第九時間次元。
In the pulsar geometry, the ninth tone (and ninth moon) represents the third stage of the 1-5-9-13 fourth-dimensional time pulsar. The ninth stage is the solar command tower. This also corresponds to the nine time dimensions contained within the Holomind Perceiver.


Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Welcome to the Solar Moon! Current cycles recap:

◎ 年(365天週期):磁性白巫師年
Year (365-day cycle): White Magnetic Wizard Year

 迴旋(260天週期):從十三月亮夢符碼,1987年開始,第 45 個迴旋。
Spin (260-day cycle): 45th Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count (1987).
46th coming up!

Season (65-day cycle): Eastern Serpent Season of Life Force. Red Galactic Spectrum.
White Dog Season coming up!

Castle (52-day cycle): Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of the Matrix.
Red Eastern Castle of Turning coming up!

Moon (28-day cycle): Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention: How do I attain my purpose?

Wavespell (13-day cycle): Blue Eagle Wavespell of Vision.
Yellow Star Wavespell coming up!

Heptad Path Codes for the Solar Moon

在一年52週的旅程裡,我們會經過Hunab Ku 21銀河生命與知識之樹的52條七價路徑,在太陽之月裡,啟動了這4條七價路徑:
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Solar Moon:

Red Week 1 - Initiate
Heptad 33: Sex electrifies navigation.
(Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Mar 7-13)

DALI第8天-SILIO 第14天
White Week 2 - Refine
Heptad 34: Navigation electrifies wisdom.
(Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Mar 14-20)

DALI第15天-SILIO 第21天
Blue Week 3 - Transform
Heptad 35: Death electrifies self-generation.
(Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Mar 21-27)

DALI第22天-SILIO 第28天
Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
Heptad 36: Self-generation electrifies magic.
(Dali 22 - Silio 28 / Mar 28 - Apr 3)

「Tin Kinanta」為馬雅文,時間法則以這個詞來指稱生物與太陽的心電感應:獲得太陽心電感應之人,將啟動太陽意識演化的設定。請留意,太陽之月的七價路徑都落在這兩條垂直的通道上,這些通道透過沃倫磁引力場的靜心,連結了眉心輪、心輪和臍輪(請見《宇宙編年史・第六卷——超越之書》的說明)。同樣有趣的是,這四條七價路徑也勾勒出四個原始光熱元素組成的縱向啟動路線:Dum Kuali(原始熱)、Dum Duar(原始光)、Kemio(內部熱光能)與Kum(內部光熱)。想學習更多,請參閱宇宙編年史・第二卷——阿凡達之書》。
A "Tin Kinanta" is the Mayan word for what the Law of Time calls the biosolar telepath: one who has obtained their solar telepathy, initiating the enactment of the evolution of solar consciousness. Notice how all the Heptad Paths of this Solar Moon are within the two primary vertical channels connecting the third eye, heart and sacral chakras via the Vulom magnetic attraction force field meditation described in Book of the Transcendence ... It is also interesting to note that these Heptad Paths illustrate a vertical activation of the four primary light-heat elements: Dum Kuali  (primal heat), Dum Duar (primal light), Kemio  (light of inner heat), and Kum  (heat of inner light). Learn more in Book of the Avatar.

★ 專欄作者

史蒂芬妮 ‧ 南 紅皇后
Stephanie South / Red Queen
KIN 185  電力的紅蛇

—— 瓦倫姆·沃坦 ( Valum Votan)


作為靈魂伴侶的神聖結合,使得她能接收到來自週期結束者的星際知識,因此,她能夠啟動第六太陽意識,即二次創造的新週期。透過推動基於愛、藝術和共時性的 13:20 新頻率的變革,她促進著銀河文化的傳播。


2015 年出版的新書《獵戶瞳孔》,獲得了美國 TISBA 獨立心靈圖書大獎的首獎,而這本書更是開啟《宇宙編年史》的大鑰匙。

—— 紅皇后 / RQ




● 朱衍舞 Rafeeka / KIN 15 月亮的藍鷹  Blue Lunar Eagle

●  張之愷 / KIN 113 太陽的紅天行者 Red Solar Skywalker
●  李翊珊 Sandhya/ KIN 93 月亮的紅天行者 Red Lunar Skywalker
●  廖祖芳 Latifa/ KIN 35 太陽的藍鷹 Blue Solar Eagle
●  蘭藍 Leelamanda / KIN 223 月亮的夜 Blue Lunar Night
●  禹桐 Karuna / KIN 161 超頻的龍 Red Overtone Dragon
●  陽子 Noor/ KIN 200 超頻的黃太陽 Yellow Overtone Sun
●  倍貝 Karima/ KIN 81 電力的紅龍 Red Electric Dragon
●  Neelambar /  KIN 230 太陽的白狗 White Solar Dog
●  蘇蘇 Saddha/ KIN 136 韻律的黃戰士 Yellow Rhythmic Warrior
●  彩兒KIN 172 電力的黃人Yellow Electric Human


● 斯蒂芬妮 · 南/ 紅皇后
Stephanie South/ Red Queen
KIN 185 電力的紅蛇 Red Electric Serpent

● Katarina Prokic  
KIN 79 磁性的藍風暴 Blue Magnetic Storm

● Ana Zikic  
KIN 62 行星的白風 White Planetary Wind

● Annibal Lisandro Luporini Dowgaluk  
KIN 34 銀河星系的白巫師 White Galactic Wizard

● Jacob Wyatt
KIN 201 韻律的紅龍 Red Rhythmic Dragon

文字 |  KIN 185 紅皇后 RQ
翻譯 |  KIN 6 黃珮蓁
校對 |  KIN 223  蘭藍 Leelamanda
編輯 |  KIN 35 祖芳 Latifa

亞洲時間法則 FB



Rafeeka ▎遇見 Rumi,預見蘇菲

聽好了,我是女人!I am Woman: Listen!
