紅皇后 RQ 專欄|磁性白巫師年 ⊙ 1320共時同步鍵 ⊙ 顯化的行星狗之月

磁 性 白 巫 師 年 ● 1 3 2 0 共時同步鍵
顯化的行星狗之月 | 第 126 期 | 心智電子報

Welcome to Noos-letter 126
2020 Planetary Dog Moon Edition

Welcome to the Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, the tenth moon of the Planetary Service Wavespell.

Humanity’s separation from Nature has reached a limit. This is at the root of the mega-crisis. —Valum Votan

正如我們所知,我們的生命正處在一系列危急的關聯事件中,伴隨著由病毒、5G 網路、地震、火山爆發、蝗蟲過境、正在靠近地球的小行星帶,以及經濟崩盤所帶來的多重憂慮中。
Life as we know it is at a critical nexus, with multiple perturbations from a virus, 5G, earthquakes, volcanoes, locusts, approaching asteroids and economic collapses.

A key purpose of this newsletter is to track the multiple planetary unfoldments that contribute to the biosphere-noosphere transition.

From the beginning of time there have been those who attempt to foment world disaster and social disarray in order to harness power and control over Humanity. The Law of Time points out that our human consciousness has been imprisoned by a false perception of time that is perpetuating an illusory fence around the collective mind. This fence makes us forget our own power.

But now we are REMEMBERING. The Law of Time, in all of its components, is the alternative to A.I. machine world.

The highest knowledge has all been given. Now is the time to apply all that we know, without delay. Within the noosphere, the same events can be perceived in various ways according to where our attention is placed. We know from quantum physics that observing in full consciousness, changes what is observed. The more our energy penetrates higher consciousness, the wider the range of vibrations that we manifest.

This Moon's totem animal is dog, signifying love and emotions. In the pulsar geometry, the tenth tone is the final tone of the first-dimensional life pulsar that manifests the challenge. The main challenge is to master ourselves.

The planetary convergent mind wave has already been generated. No one will escape it. Some will go along with it. Some will resist it. Everyone will feel it. It will become greater in power than anything the world has to offer. Its climax will be the mindshift. The new state of mind and consciousness called the noosphere.
—Valum Votan

A Note: We know many are going through economic challenges, and our organization is no exception.

If you are able, considering supporting us by purchasing our materials or with tax deductible donation. We operate on a shoestring budget and the daily affairs are currently managed almost entirely by two people, working in conjunction with a group of advisors and a handful of creative volunteers around the world.

We wish to continue to bring you free material, newsletters, blogs, pocket calendars and our free TimeSpace meditation phone app. And currently we are working on a 9-week teaching program.

Also check out our sister websites. Thank you for your support to help us co-create a positive future:

Living Time Science 網站 及 Instagram
Galactic Synchronization on Facebook

The Uninscribed: Initiation into the Heart of Time is now available as an eBook. Read it now! If you have already read and enjoyed the book, writing an Amazon review is another great way of supporting us in spreading this work. Thank you!

Join Us for the Rainbow Bridge Meditation

在4月12日,是週日復活節。這天是行星之月的第9天Seli,Kin 14:磁性的白巫師,距銀河星系新年起始,已經過了一個260天銀河迴旋。更多的細節,請瀏覽Living Time Science的Instagram
On Easter Sunday (12 April) - Planetary Moon Seli 9, Kin 14: White Magnetic Wizard, 1 spin from the Galactic New Year. Watch for details on our Instagram page.


Star Traveler's Synchronicities

Welcome to the Planetary Moon! Current cycles recap:

◎ 年(365天週期):磁性白巫師
Year (365-day cycle): White Magnetic Wizard Year

◎ 迴旋(260天週期):從13月亮夢符碼(1987年)開始的第 46 個迴旋
Spin (260-day cycle): 46th Spin since the beginning of the 13 Moon Dreamspell Count (1987).

◎ 季節(65天週期):北方愛的狗之季:銀河的白色光谱
Season (65-day cycle):Northern Dog Season of Love. White Galactic Spectrum

◎ 城堡(52天週期):東方旋轉的紅色城堡:誕生之宮
Castle (52-day cycle): Red Eastern Castle of Turning: Court of Birth

◎ 月(28天週期):顯化的行星狗之月-我如何完美我所做的?
Moon (28-day cycle): Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation - How do I perfect what I do?

◎ 波符(13天週期):誕生的紅龍波符
Wavespell (13-day cycle): Red Dragon Wavespell of Birth

Heptad Path Codes for the Planetary Moon

在一年52週的旅程裏,我們會經過Hunab Ku 21銀河生命與知識之樹的52條七價路徑,而行星之月啟動了這4條七價路徑:
In the 52-week journey through the 52 heptad paths of the Hunab Ku 21 Galactic Tree and Life and Knowledge, the following heptad paths are activated for the Planetary Moon:

第 37 條七價路徑:藝術穩定靜心
Red Week 1 - Initiate
Heptad 37: Art stabilizes meditation.
(Dali 1 - Silio 7 / Apr 4-10)

第 38 條七價路徑:靜心穩定視野
DALI第8天-SILIO 第14天
White Week 2 - Refine
Heptad 38: Meditation stabilizes vision.
(Dali 8 - Silio 14 / Apr 11-17)

第 39 條七價路徑:淨化穩定啟蒙
DALI第15天-SILIO 第21天
Blue Week 3 - Transform
Heptad 39: Purification stabilizes enlightenment.
(Dali 15 - Silio 21 / Apr 18-24)

第 40 條七價路徑:啟蒙穩定無時間
DALI第22天-SILIO 第28天
Yellow Week 4 - Ripen
Heptad 40: Enlightenment stabilizes timelessness.
(Dali 22 - Silio 28 / Apr 25 - May 1)

在Hunab Ku 21銀河系上層結構中,若將行星之月的四條七價路徑視為一個整體來看,這四條路徑即是「兩個電子-乙太穩定體」在時間裏的位置。(上一個月亮,太陽之月的位置,是電子-乙太經線)。想學習更多,請參閱《宇宙編年史・第五卷——時空之書》
In the Galactic Superstructure/the Hunab Ku 21, the four heptads of the Planetary Moon - taken as a whole - are the place in time where the "two electro-etheric stabilizers" reside. (Last Moon, the Solar Moons is where the electro-etheric meridians reside). Learn more in Book of the Timespace, Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V.

值得注意的是,這個月亮的路徑皆為水平的「穩定者」... 行星是宇宙演化的階段,在這個階段裡,可能會出現多種視界觀,也同時提供了維持生命所需的穩定性。在行星之月的七價路徑中,黃太陽和白鏡子出現了兩次。黃太陽意指啟蒙和生命,白鏡代表秩序和無窮無盡。七價路徑中的其他圖騰還有黃星星(藝術/美麗/優雅)、藍鷹(創造/心智/視野)、紅月(淨化/流動),以及白巫師喜悅/接收/無時間)。
It is interesting to note how the paths of this Moon are all horizontal "stabilizers"... The planet is the stage in cosmic evolution where not only a horizon becomes possible, but it also provides the necessary stability to host life. In the Planetary Moon Heptad Paths, the Yellow Sun and White Mirror appear twice. Yellow Sun indicates "enlightenment" and "life" and White Mirror signifies "order" and "endlessness". These are joined by the Yellow Star (art/beauty/elegance), Blue Eagle (creation/mind/vision), Red Moon (purification/flow) and White Wizard (enchantment/receptivity/timelessness).

Also, the two horizontal bars lines of Heptad Paths look just like the two-bars of the Planetary Tone!

Feel the perfection of the Planetary Moon...

★ 專欄作者

史蒂芬妮 ‧ 南 紅皇后
Stephanie South / Red Queen
KIN 185  電力的紅蛇

—— 瓦倫姆·沃坦 ( Valum Votan)


作為靈魂伴侶的神聖結合,使得她能接收到來自週期結束者的星際知識,因此,她能夠啟動第六太陽意識,即二次創造的新週期。透過推動基於愛、藝術和共時性的 13:20 新頻率的變革,她促進著銀河文化的傳播。


2015 年出版的新書《獵戶瞳孔》,獲得了美國 TISBA 獨立心靈圖書大獎的首獎,而這本書更是開啟《宇宙編年史》的大鑰匙。

—— 紅皇后 / RQ




● 朱衍舞 Rafeeka / KIN 15 月亮的藍鷹  Blue Lunar Eagle

●  張之愷 / KIN 113 太陽的紅天行者 Red Solar Skywalker
●  李翊珊 Sandhya/ KIN 93 月亮的紅天行者 Red Lunar Skywalker
●  廖祖芳 Latifa/ KIN 35 太陽的藍鷹 Blue Solar Eagle
●  蘭藍 Leelamanda / KIN 223 月亮的夜 Blue Lunar Night
●  禹桐 Karuna / KIN 161 超頻的龍 Red Overtone Dragon
●  陽子 Noor/ KIN 200 超頻的黃太陽 Yellow Overtone Sun
●  倍貝 Karima/ KIN 81 電力的紅龍 Red Electric Dragon
●  Neelambar /  KIN 230 太陽的白狗 White Solar Dog
●  蘇蘇 Saddha/ KIN 136 韻律的黃戰士 Yellow Rhythmic Warrior
●  彩兒KIN 172 電力的黃人Yellow Electric Human


● 斯蒂芬妮 · 南/ 紅皇后
Stephanie South/ Red Queen
KIN 185 電力的紅蛇 Red Electric Serpent

● Katarina Prokic  
KIN 79 磁性的藍風暴 Blue Magnetic Storm

● Ana Zikic  
KIN 62 行星的白風 White Planetary Wind

● Annibal Lisandro Luporini Dowgaluk  
KIN 34 銀河星系的白巫師 White Galactic Wizard

● Jacob Wyatt
KIN 201 韻律的紅龍 Red Rhythmic Dragon

文字 |  KIN 185 紅皇后 RQ
翻譯 |  KIN 6 黃珮蓁
校對 |  KIN 223  蘭藍 Leelamanda
編輯 |  KIN 35 祖芳 Latifa

亞洲時間法則 FB



Rafeeka ▎遇見 Rumi,預見蘇菲

聽好了,我是女人!I am Woman: Listen!
