紅皇后 RQ 專欄 | 磁性白巫師年 ⊙ 1320共時同步鍵 ⊙ 星際特刊

磁 性 白 巫 師 年

1320 共時同步鍵

-    星際特刊    -


Kin 34  

White Galactic Wizard

45th Spin since Inception of Dreamspell New Moon

Greetings of Love Dear Kin!

Twenty days have passed since the Galactic New Year.

It was a true joy to connect with you all in Mexico and to reactivate the galactic seed culture on Planet Earth!  

Thank you for hearing the call as one of the People O.M.A., the original ones who have come back from the future to heal our ancient trauma, overcome amnesia and remember who we are and what our cosmic history and origin is.

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by OMA

OMA people in Palenque / Photo by Jinesh Kunj

OMA people in Palenque / Photo by OMA

OMA people 可可儀式  in Palenque / Photo by Jinesh Kunj

OMA people in Palenque / Photo by OMA

With more than 40 countries and many different belief systems represented, these two events in Palenque and Teotihuacan were a wonderful demonstration of the universality of the Law of Time. 

We encourage you to spread this knowledge and vibration in your unique way as we make our way through this critical juncture of the biosphere-noosphere transition. 

The noosphere (planetary mind) is the field of potentiality where we can begin to establish true communion and communication with the cosmic civilizations throughout the universe.

如果你是初學者或剛好想深入學習時間法則不同的知識,在時間法則官方網站會有更多的資料供你學習,其中包含《銀河編年史》和Jacob,韻律的紅龍的曆法基礎課,以及 Galactic Spacebook.

If you are new or would just like to deepen your knowledge of the multifaceted Law of Time, there are many resources available on the Law of Time website, including the Cosmic History Chronicles and the introductory courses by Jacob Rhythmic Dragon and Galactic Spacebook.

At Foundation for the Law of Time we have several projects in the works, including two new books Uninscribed: Healing the Ancient Trauma and The Art of Time, and completion of the TimeSpace global synchronized meditation apps as well as ongoing education Programs for Synchronotron trackings. And now we also have the South American Foundation for the Law of Time based in Chile! 

We wish you continued acceleration in your process of healing and planetary memory retrieval on behalf of all beings and the cosmos. 

We look forward to continuing our shared sacred mission together!

OMA people in Teotihuacán / Photo by David Wang

We love you

紅皇后RQ 與 Don Jesus

在月亮金字塔完成權杖的交接 in Teotihuacán

In Lak’ech

  • 斯蒂芬妮·南 / 紅皇后
    Stephanie South/ Red Queen  
     KIN 185 電力的紅蛇 Red Electric Serpent
  • Jacob Wyatt   KIN 201 韻律的紅龍 Red Rhythmic Dragon
  • Gustavo Ik   KIN 2 月亮的白風  White Lunar Wind
  • Paola   KIN 117 宇宙的紅地球 Red Cosmic Earth
  • Noelle Romero   KIN 135 超頻的藍鷹  Blue Overtone Eagle
  • Katarina Prokic  KIN 79 磁性的藍風暴  Blue Magnetic Storm
  • Ana Zikic  KIN 62 行星的白風  White Planetary Wind
  • Annibal Lisandro Luporini Dowgaluk  KIN 34 銀河星系的白巫師  White Galactic Wizard
  • 朱衍舞 Rafeeka   KIN 15 月亮的藍鷹  Blue Lunar Eagle
  • 廖祖芳 Latifa      KIN 35 太陽的藍鷹  Blue Solar Eagle
  • 郭倍孜 Karima    KIN 81 電力的紅龍  Red Electric Dragon
  • 翊珊 Sandhya   KIN 93 月亮的紅天行者  Red Lunar Skywalker
  • 蘇蘇 Saddha   KIN 136 韻律的黃戰士   Yellow Rhythmic Warrior
  • 禹桐 Karuna   KIN 161 超頻的紅龍  Red Overtone Dragon
  • 陽子 Noor   KIN 200 超頻的黃太陽  Yellow Overtone Sun
  • 蘭藍 Leelamanda   KIN 223 月亮的藍夜  Blue Lunar Night
  • Neelambar  KIN 230 太陽的白狗  White Solar Dog

文字KIN 185 紅皇后 RQ
KIN 149 David Wang
KIN 203 Jinesh Kunj

翻譯KIN 223 張藍 Leelamanda

編輯KIN 35 祖芳 Latifa

圖片3128玩美生活部落 & 部分源自網路 

3128玩美生活部落 &  LAW OF TIME 時間法則



Rafeeka ▎遇見 Rumi,預見蘇菲

聽好了,我是女人!I am Woman: Listen!
