紅皇后 RQ 專欄 | 時間線的更迭:重返時間之心 | 二部曲 ◎ 帕倫克 ∞ 恢復行星地球的記憶

紅皇后 RQ 專欄

時間線的更迭 :重返時間之心
Shifting Timelines:
Returning to the Heart of Time

—    部 曲   —

Planetary Memory Retrieval

Posted on 4 August, 2019
Kin 23 行星的藍夜 Blue Planetary Night

“O you who would know me must know your own Heart. To discipline yourself, to tame your mind is to open a path for your Heart, a path of Heart as broad as the universe – to converse with your Heart is to converse with me. For in my heart, I am all paths of Heart dissolved in holy communion with the Supreme One – to keep the Heart pure is the destiny of the true seekers – come with me and we shall liberate the world soul for only by following a path of Heart can we accomplish the great task which it is ours to fulfill.” 
—— 瓦倫姆  ·  沃坦 Valum Votan

When inner groups become externalized and form the base for higher energy to permeate the infra-monadic portion of the planetary life, new patterns arise on a group and planetary scales.
——  Triguerihno

為期 4 天的恢復行星地球的記憶的共聚,起始於 Kin 8 銀河星系的黃星星,2019 7 20 日,結束於 Kin 11 光譜的藍猴。
Our 4-day Planetary Memory Retrieval began on Kin 8 (July 20, 2019) and concluded on Kin 11.

Many of us experienced initiations and challenges on our journies to the events, as often happens when we say yes to transformation. The word initiation comes from the word “initium” which means entrance or beginning.

This event was not a workshop to teach codes, but rather a ceremonial mission of memory retrieval and cosmic healing with the intention to strengthen our vibratory bridge with each other, the inner earth and the cosmos.

Powerful thunderstorms punctuated the beginning and end of our event.

Planetary Memory Retrieval in Palenque

我們在帕倫克城以七方祈禱文開啟這次共聚,為瓦倫姆沃坦 (Valum Votan) Bolon Ik 播種下知識的種子,以及建立了重返地球,與自然和諧共處的重要訊息,表達我們的崇敬。唯有集體返回自然,嶄新的星際和平的文化才得以顯現於地球。
We began the event in Palenque with the prayer to the 7 directions then the honoring of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik for the seeding the knowledge and basic message of the importance to return to the Earth and make peace with Nature. Only by a collective return to Nature can a new galactic culture of peace emerge on Earth.

Circle of Unity to the left of Palace of the Winds

OMA people in Palenque

OMA people in Palenque

As a species we have deviated from Nature (our true essence) and our consciousness has been fractured in one form or another. This fracturing results in emotional body imbalances that keep us from realizing higher aspects of our being. This traces to other times and other worlds.

The Heart knows before the mind can understand.

When consciousness is fractured due to trauma, then memory is eclipsed. We forget our cosmic origins. We suffer in this forgetfulness, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Cultivating love and compassion for ourselves is the first step in putting both our personal and Planetary memory back together again.  

Love, love above everything!

Ana & Rafeeka in Palenque

閉幕典禮  in Palenque

墨西哥行總召集人 Rafeeka 生日 & 同行夥伴麗嫦的 KIN KIN DAY
ON 7 / 22 行星的白狗

時間法則告訴我們,分裂的記憶遵循著在地球心智電磁場植入的人造時間 1260 頻率的光束,抹去了宇宙的記憶。這是我們心智暫時扭曲的階段,在分離、痛苦與脆弱之時,依靠機械的意識階段。數量(的衡量方式)如同責備、自我重要感、貪婪、急躁與恐懼都屬於 12:60 的頻率。
The Law of Time tells us that this memory fracture traces to the 12:60 beam that inseminated Earth’s electromagnetic mind field with artificial time, which erases cosmic memory. This is a stage of temporary distortion of our mind through machine consciousness that feeds on separateness, pain, and vulnerability.  Qualities such as blame, self-importance, greed, impatience, and fear belong to the 12:60 frequency.

我們在聖聚之中被啟動的視野願景,帶領O.M.A.人從所有生命的路徑走向帕倫克與特奧蒂瓦坎的聖境。在這裏更容易感受地球核心的共振。地球的核心與我們的心共振著。於愛之中我們和諧統一與感恩的能量,創造了一個連續的場域,使得我們更容易進行真實的學習。透過我們的心、我們的頭腦 / 心智開始去記得。
The initial vision of our gathering was to bring the people of O.M.A. from all walks of life to the sacred places of Palenque and Teotihuacan, where the resonance of earth’s core can be easily accessed.This core is in resonance with our heart. The unification of our energies in love and appreciation creates a field of coherence that is conducive to true learning. Through the heart, the brain/mind begins to remember.

·   /   
Stephanie South/ Red Queen

Our task was to generate our love battery and hold steady in the 13:20 frequency.

13:20 frequency displays qualities such as gratitude, self-responsibility, service, generosity, patience, and love. The basic teachings of Christ light.

At this event, we shared knowledge and love, visited pyramids, meditated, drank cacao in a beautiful ceremony, did telepathic experiments and shared our music and art.

Gustavo Ik Paola(靈性上的名字)主持的美麗而神聖的可儀式。他們也是我們這次活動的共同組織者。
Beautiful sacred cacao ceremony led by Gustavo Ik and Paola (in spirit), who helped co-organize our event.

Many reported deep experiences from their meditations at the Tower of Winds, Tomb of Red Queen and Temple of Inscriptions. All was for the purpose of activating our hearts into a feeling of trust so that remembrance of each other and our innate wholeness could occur.

This heart-mind connection is the prerequisite to aligning with the cosmic whole, which ultimately leads to conscious cooperation within the greater community of galactic intelligence.

Kin 11 這天,在 Kin 113 陪伴下,在第 13 個銘文神廟,紅皇后之墓,留影。
紅皇后之墓發現於 1994 年。
19 + 94 = 113        
In Temple 13, Tomb of Red Queen on Kin 11. Accompanied by Kin 113. Tomb discovery in 1994. 19 + 94 =113.  

明年的無時間日是 Kin 118 磁性的白鏡(2020 7 25 日)。
The next Day out of Time will be Kin 118: White Magnetic Mirror (July 25, 2020).

Kin 18 2012 6 15 日,發現帕卡爾 · 沃坦(Pacal Votan)棺墓第 60 周年紀念日。
Kin 18 also coded June 15, 2012, the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of Pacal Votan. 

也就是在這一天,紅皇后的遺骸在墨西哥城經過 18 年研究後被送回帕倫克。
Also on this day the bones of the Red Queen were brought back to Palenque after 18 years of study in Mexico City.


帕卡爾 · 沃坦 

Pacal Votan

帕卡爾 · 沃坦是和諧的大師——他是共時同步的大師。他的意識是一個調頻校準至對的頻率的星際資料庫。
Pacal Votan was the harmonic master he was the Master of Synchronization. His consciousness is a galactic database that can be tuned into when in the right frequency.

如果帕卡爾 · 沃坦的棺墓未曾在1952年被開啟,我們今天的共聚也不會發生。如果紅皇后(Red Queen)的棺墓未曾在 1994 年被開啟,我們今天的共聚也不會發生。
If the tomb of Pacal Votan had not been opened in 1952 this event would not have occurred. If the tomb of Red Queen had not been opened in 1994, this event would not have occurred.

攝於 2010 Kin 189 瓦倫姆·沃坦在地球上最後一次參觀紅皇后之墓。
Tomb of the Red Queen. Valum Votan’s final earthly visit on Kin 189. 2010.

Lui ZavalaKin 198 拍攝。
Photo by Luis Zavala, Kin 198

1989 3 12 日,Kin 108 自我存在的黃星星,荷西 · 阿圭列斯 / 瓦倫姆 · 沃坦(Jose Argüelles / Valum Votan)在銘文金字塔預見了帕卡爾·沃坦會歸來,但是會以所有人都認識的樣子回來。他無法安息,直到所有人接收到他的精神與啟示。同樣地,他曾說,這個過程將會以無數種方式,以每一個人的信念系統被感知到。
On March 12, 1989, Kin 108, Jose Argüelles/Valum Votan had a vision at the Pyramid of Inscriptions that Pacal Votan was going to return, but in a form that everyone would understand – and he wouldn’t rest until everyone had received his spirit and inspiration. He also said that this process would be perceived in a myriad of ways, according to each individual’s belief system.

This is also what is known as the Return of the Galactic Maya (through attunement to Natural Cycles). To return to Nature is to return to the Heart of Time in communion with all seers, saints, sages and prophets who are all part of one integrated circuit.

帕卡爾 · 沃坦的預言,展現了地球靈性的歷史僅僅是同一個完整統一的環形線路。這就是祖羽雅的環形線路。
The prophecy of Pacal Votan shows that the spiritual history of the planet is a single integrated circuit. This is the circuit of the zuvuya.

這個環形線路最終促成了對於我們稱之為「全息心智感知體(Holomind Perceiver)」的完整模型的理解,這正是帕卡爾 · 沃坦的 Telektonon 預言的最後啟示。
This circuit ultimately leads to the understanding of the full template known as Holomind Perceiver, the final revelation of the Telektonon prophecy of Pacal Votan.

The Holomind Perceiver is a fractal template of wholeness that is connected to the astral libraries stored under pyramids and other sacred structures. It is an interdimensional database and interface system that both synthesizes all forgotten knowledge of the systems of the lost worlds and worlds to come.

It is the ancient future technology. It can only be accessed with a pure heart and clear mind.

特奧蒂瓦坎 Teotihuacan

...  待 續  ...

 ̄ ̄ ̄

史蒂芬妮 ‧ 南 紅皇后
Stephanie South / Red Queen
KIN 185  電力的紅蛇

—— 瓦倫姆·沃坦 ( Valum Votan)


作為靈魂伴侶的神聖結合,使得她能接收到來自週期結束者的星際知識,因此,她能夠啟動第六太陽意識,即二次創造的新週期。透過推動基於愛、藝術和共時性的 13:20 新頻率的變革,她促進著銀河文化的傳播。


2015 年出版的新書《獵戶瞳孔》,獲得了美國 TISBA 獨立心靈圖書大獎的首獎,而這本書更是開啟《宇宙編年史》的大鑰匙。

—— 紅皇后 / RQ

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


 朱衍舞 Rafeeka KIN 15 月亮的藍鷹  Blue Lunar Eagle


  張之愷 KIN 113 太陽的紅天行者 Red Solar Skywalker
●  李翊珊 SandhyaKIN 93 月亮的紅天行者 Red Lunar Skywalker
●  廖祖芳 LatifaKIN 35 太陽的藍鷹 Blue Solar Eagle
●  蘭藍 Leelamanda   KIN 223 月亮的藍夜 Blue Lunar Night
●  禹桐 Karuna KIN 161 超頻的紅龍 Red Overtone Dragon
  陽子 NoorKIN 200 超頻的黃太陽 Yellow Overtone Sun
   KarimaKIN 81 電力的紅龍 Red Electric Dragon
  Neelambar  KIN 230 太陽的白狗 White Solar Dog
●  蘇蘇 SaddhaKIN 136 韻律的黃士 Yellow Rhythmic Warrior


● 斯蒂芬妮 · /紅皇后
Stephanie South/ Red Queen
KIN 185 電力的紅蛇 Red Electric Serpent
● Katarina Prokic  
KIN 79 磁性的藍風暴 Blue Magnetic Storm
● Ana Zikic  
KIN 62 行星的白風 White Planetary Wind
● Annibal Lisandro Luporini Dowgaluk  
KIN 34 銀河星系的白巫師 White Galactic Wizard
● Jacob Wyatt 
KIN 201 韻律的紅龍 Red Rhythmic Dragon

文字 |  KIN 185 紅皇后 RQ
翻譯 |  KIN 223 蘭藍 Leelamanda
攝影 |  KIN 149 David Wang
            KIN 203 Jinesh Kunj
            OMA PEOPLE

音頻 |  KIN 223 蘭藍 Leelamanda
編輯 |  KIN 35 祖芳 Latifa



Rafeeka ▎遇見 Rumi,預見蘇菲

聽好了,我是女人!I am Woman: Listen!
